Looking for an ACD
Breeder Referral
Looking for an ACD
Breeder Referral
In order to direct your request most efficiently, please fill out our brief form:
For referral To California ACD Breeders who are signers of the ACDCA Code of Conduct, click here
To view ACD Breeders who signed the National ACD Club's Code of Ethics, click here
You will also find more about the history of the club as well as links to other Australian Cattle Dog Club web sites.
Please enjoy the site as you learn more about this wonderful and versatile breed. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question, comments or suggestions!
Mark your calendars
July 2, 2016 ACDCGLA
Independent Specialty, Puppy & Veterans Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship & NOHS
at Ventura Fair Grounds, Ventura, CA
in conjunction with Santa Maria Kennel Club
Go to Jack Bradshaw Dog Show Superindendent and enter the three All Breed Shows at Summerfest for great entries all weekend.
September 28 - October 3, 2015
ACDCA National
Show -Me -Specialty